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  • Event Speaker

    Michael Bunn

    Auckland University of Technology

    Dr Michael Bunn is a lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Auckland University of Technology (AUT). His research interests, include smart grid technologies and app-based solutions development.
    Michael completed his PhD research at AUT, yielding both IEEE conference and journal publications related to optimising transformer lifetime and loading to maximise available capacity for EV charging.
    He brings with him a broad background in industry, having spent over a decade as an Avionics Technician in the Royal New Zealand Airforce, held technical and support roles within the telecommunications sector and technology development within the New Zealand power industry during his PhD.
    However, it was from his first-hand experience working for a brief period as a bus driver and confronted with the challenges they experienced daily that provided the inspiration for him to lead the development of an app-based system intended to help alleviate some of these pressures.