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C-ITS Webinar – International Collaborations For Road Worker Safety in NZ

    Date: Tuesday, October 8th
    Time: 5.30-630pm (NZDT)
    Location: Online only (Register for the webinar on Teams below)

    A recent Roadworker Safety Trial using C-ITS for Road works warnings was carried out in Christchurch New Zealand in a project part-funded by NZTA and involving projects partners including Resolve Group, Fulton Hogan, Monotch, Department of Transport for Main Roads (Queensland) and led by V2X project co-ordinator Mike Steere.

    The project brought together local and international expertise and engaged international technology solutions to deliver a local solution in the first successful trial of it’s kind in New Zealand. Join experts representing each project partner sharing their insights and how it could be applied in other trials and applications.

    Monotch C-ITS Webinar