Date: November 14th, 5-7pm
Location: Aurecon Auckland & Aurecon Wellington (simultaneously)
Drinks and refreshments will be available before and after presentations

Join us for a relaxed networking night, hear reports from those who attended this year’s ITS World Congress in Dubai and learn about ITS New Zealand’s plans for 2025.
Presentations will cover some of the new technologies and tech-enabled solutions being deployed around the world, what is “hot” right now, what are the key areas of focus driving innovation, and what can New Zealand learn from international experiences and examples.
Two in-person events will be happening simultaneously in both Auckland and Wellington, with presentations live-streamed in each location. Presentations will be followed by end of year networking for the sector.
Speakers include:
Armin Guttke, ITSNZ
Mike Rudge, Board Member NZTA / Rudge Consulting
Doug Wilson, Transportation Research Centre, University of Auckland
Sean Lewis, Green Signal Ltd
Romany Sharobim, Transport Network Optimisation