Andrew Mehaffey
Director – NSWHMI TechnologiesAs Director – NSW for HMI Technologies, Andrew leads the Sydney office for this Australasian company well known for innovation in transport technologies, including the advancement of Automated Vehicle technologies. This role has included leading the NSW Smart Shuttle Automated Vehicle trial at Sydney Olympic Park, as well as collaborating with sister company Ohmio in the development of the Ohmio LIFT Autonomous Shuttle vehicle.
Andrew has an established national and international reputation as a leading respected expert in smart transport systems, and has represented Australia as a transport technology expert in numerous national and international forums, including leading the development of International Standards.
Andrew has initiated and led the delivery of a broad range of major high-profile advanced transport technology solutions in Australia and internationally. His career has included senior government roles where he led the provision of ITS on roads in the state of New South Wales, as well as leading the development of the internationally renowned SCATS traffic signal control system. Andrew holds degree qualifications in engineering, ICT and administration.