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ITS at Auckland Transport

    Auckland Transport Logo

    How does Auckland Transport approach Intelligent Transport Systems solutions & how can you fit into the ITS value chain?

    Date: Thursday, March 7th | Time: 4.30pm – 7pm | Location: Beca Auditorium, 21 Pitt Street Auckland
    Register via the form below

    ITSNZ is proud to invite you to join us for this informative networking event featuring a presentation from Auckland Transport’s Chris Martin, Road Network Optimisation Manager, and Miguel Menezes, Network Optimisation Lead.

    As the agency for New Zealand’s largest city, Auckland Transport has responsibilities for Auckland’s transport services and works in partnership with Waka Kotahi on management of the region’s state highways . AT is responsible for all the region’s transport services, from roads and footpaths, to cycling, parking and public transport.

    In the presentation, we will have the chance to learn more about Auckland Transport’s ITS Journey and future plans, a rare and valuable opportunity to get extensive insights from the client perspective and how decisions are made.

    Chris and Miguel will be sharing the hardware and software technologies recently adopted by Auckland Transport for Road and Network optimisation work (and why), updating us on current work in progress, trials and the future direction for Intelligent Transport Systems at Auckland Transport, New Zealand’s second-largest transport agency. Insights that will help inform suppliers and manufacturers of ITS software and hardware solutions, the presentation will also be useful to other urban centre teams and Road Controlling Authorities.

    The presentation will include:

    • AT’s ITS journey over the last 5 years
    • ITS technology on the road
    • Software systems supporting ITS
    • Analytics systems supporting ITS
    • Political and governance influence in ITS
    • Strategies supporting ITS
    • Programmes of work/Funding supporting ITS
    • ITS Trials
    • The role of the market in influencing ITS and providing solutions.
    • Future direction of ITS for Auckland Transport

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    Chris Martin


    Chris Martin

    Road Network Optimisation Manager
    Auckland Transport

    Miguel Menezes


    Miguel Menezes

    Network Optimisation Lead
    Auckland Transport