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ITSNZ Gold Membership

  • 150 votes at the AGM
  • Recognition of your partnership with ITSNZ, with the display of your corporate branding:
  • Sponsor outline and link on the ITSNZ website and sponsors page
  • Logo and link on all promotional material (digital and printed)
  • Banner display at all ITSNZ events
  • 5 free passes to the T-Tech Conference (the annual ITSNZ Summit) with discounts on further tickets and exhibiting
  • Option to publish industry-related articles and vacant positions using ITSNZ media channels
  • Advanced notice of sponsoring, advertising and event opportunities (e.g. World Congress, ITS Asia Pacific Forum)
  • Event hosting option for ITSNZ events
  • Exclusive opportunities to meet VIP speakers hosted by ITSNZ
  • Login to the member’s area of the ITSNZ website for presentations and technical papers
  • Up to 10 free staff at core ITSNZ events