The latest CCTV specification and standard documents are now available on the Waka Kotahi ITS Webpage. The CCTV standards documents establish the procurement and design requirements associated with the installation of closed-circuit television (CCTV) operational and
web cameras by Waka Kotahi.
- CCTV operational camera specification
- CCTV web camera specification
- CCTV design standard for operational and web cameras
They are intended to be used by project managers, asset managers and others involved in
providing cameras for new infrastructure, or renewals purpose on the national transport network. It
ensures that the best practice camera technology is provided on highways, supporting its effective
operation by the Transport Operation Centres (TOCs).
For more information on intelligent transport systems, contact us at itsspec@nzta.govt.nz and visit
our website via the button
Find out more about Waka Kotahi Standards and Specifications consultations, see our earlier news item here