On behalf of members, ITSNZ have engaged with the Ministry of Transport and the New Zealand Transport Agency over the past couple of weeks. This gave us a good opportunity to follow up on submissions on the GPS and ERP2 last year.
As a result, we have agreed to advise of policy, regulatory and standards barriers/issues relating to increased investment and uptake of technology solutions. We would like to hear from members on this in relation to technologies that can support a safer, more sustainable, and efficient transport system. This includes technologies relating to road network improvement, road pricing, vehicle electrification, public transport amongst other things.
To assist us, we would appreciate your time in answering the following question with as much detail as possible in relation to your company/organisation and your stakeholders.
What are the regulatory, policy, or standards based issues you are experiencing or are aware of? (please be as specific as possible and include any relevant rules or standard numbers that you are aware of e.g, Land Transport Act, Vehicle Standards, RMA, Local Government Act.)
Some of the examples we have raised already, but would welcome more details and specific examples of include:
- Vehicle Standards: affecting new vehicle types, automation…
- Communications and Data standards affecting C-ITS, eCall, ITS Connect (on used imports)
- Traffic Control Devices rules affecting enforcement of Dynamic Lanes, implementation of Smart Intersections…
Optionally include
What are the impacts of these regulatory, policy, or standards based issues?
Who are the affected stakeholders?
Do you have a proposed policy suggestion to mitigate/resolve the issue?
The intention is that ITSNZ will be able to advise of policy and rule changes that would assist the sector in supporting Government strategic objectives in delivering a better future transport system. In turn, they have agreed to review any issues and work with the Minister to resolve them.
Please get in touch if you would like to highlight an issue for us to raise.