Register for upcoming Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) consultations
Waka Kotahi is inviting the sector to register for upcoming Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) consultations
From March to May 2023, Waka Kotahi will consult on five ITS design standards and delivery specifications (ITS S&S).
If you would like to review and provide your feedback on the documents below, please register below
Upcoming ITS S&S documents for consultation
- Advanced Warning and Regulatory Signs (AWRS) design standard – specifies the design requirements associated with the installation of electronic advanced warning and regulatory signs on the roading network.
- Advanced Warning and Regulatory Signs (AWRS) delivery specification – specifies the requirements for the procurement of electronic advanced warning and regulatory signs.
- VMS and LCS System Interface (VLSI) design standard – defines the VMS and LCS system interfaces requirements.
- Commissioning and Handover requirements standard – provides details for commissioning and handover of ITS equipment into operations and maintenance (O&M).
- FONT design standard – specifies the design requirements associated for fonts used on electronic signage.
Your feedback is a crucial part of ensuring the ITS S&S framework provides certainty, consistency and clarity for people in the transport system and industry partners.
To find out more about standards and specifications, please visit ITS S&S webpage https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roads-and-rail/intelligent-transport-systems/