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  • Event Speaker

    David Laoide-Kemp

    Senior ITS Engineer
    Transport Infrastructure Ireland

    David Laoide-Kemp has both an MSc in Mathematical Modelling, and an MSc in Engineering (Transportation). He has worked in Transportation since 1989, and specifically in Intelligent Transport Systems since 1995.

    At Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) David is Senior Engineer for Intelligent Transport Systems. He is responsible for ITS Strategy, Policy and Deployment on Ireland’s road network. This responsibility now includes Cooperative ITS and preparing for Autonomous Vehicles and David is involved in Ireland’s Connected Vehicles Pilot as part of C-Roads Platform Programme running in 18 member states across Europe. David has a keen interest in the capabilities of data and making it more accessible.

    David has worked on a number of European-funded programmes including INSTANT, STREETWISE, EASYWAY, EU EIP, Arc Atlantique, MERIDIAN and the C-Roads Platform, and has attended/ presented at many national and international conferences on ITS and related topics.

    David was instrumental in the formation of ITS Ireland and was originally elected to the Governing Board in 2010. Having returned to the board in 2018, he has served as Vice Chair, and is now in the role of Chair.

    With ITS Ireland David has set up an ITS Module at the Technological University of Dublin.