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Conference Dates: July 9 – 10
Key Dates for Submissions and Programme
Abstract submission closes March 14th
Abstract reviews complete April 14th
Submitter notifications will be emailed mid-April
Speaker and poster representative registration deadline is June 10th
A preliminary program will be published by May 1st
Please read about the format and process for submitting.
Submissions must be made through the website before the deadline. Read the guide below and ensure your submission meets the criteria for the best chance of acceptance. Get in touch if you have any questions. Find more information about programme, registration discounts, and awards below.
Submission Guidance and information
Submission guide – Presenting/posters and Session information – Registration, Discounts and Awards – Health and Safety/Cancellations
Abstract Submission Categories/Topics (see below for more guidance)
- Data, AI, Analytics and Cybersecurity
- Shared, Public and Integrated Mobility
- Electric, Connected, Automated Transport
- Smart Transport Modelling and Operations
- Demand Management and Transport Pricing
- Smart, Safe and Resilient Infrastructure
The above is intended to form the basis of our programme streams. The submission form will ask you to select 1 (max.) category that best applies to your paper or poster submission. We may assign your submission to a different topic, at the judging panel’s discretion.
What are the judges looking for and what “transport technology” and outcomes are we interested in?
- Outcomes are vital, i.e. what purpose does your technology or tech-enabled solution serve?
The Ministry of Transport Outcomes Framework explains the outcomes of critical importance for New Zealand:
Resilience and Security, Inclusive Access, Healthy and Safe People, Environmental Sustainability and Economic Prosperity.
We are interested in what makes your technology, solution or research new, different, and exciting, but we are much more interested in how it will enable a better future of transport. This is not always easy with new technology, but if you can demonstrate outcomes or impacts through project details, trial and research results, modelling, or case studies….that will be viewed positively. - Is it relevant for New Zealand, is it timely? T-Tech is future-focused.
Local and international examples are welcome. Explain why it is relevant to the audience and why it is relevant now and in the future. It should be new or have fresh developments, outcomes, or policy implications - Technologies, solutions, research and, policy included in the T-Tech programme are broad. Below are examples of topic areas included in the past, we expect new topics to be included as the field of Transport Technologies and Intelligent Transport Systems grows.
- Accessibility
- Artificial Intelligence
- Autonomous vehicles and vehicle automation, vehicle and driver safety technologies
- Car sharing, bike share, carpooling, ride-hailing
- Connected and cooperative transport (C-ITS, V2X, V2V, I2X…)
- Congestion and demand tools and management
- Cybersecurity, data protection, data-sharing, data governance
- Data and data analytics
- Digital asset monitoring and maintenance systems
- Digital communications (5G, Satelite, GPS, DSRC…)
- Electric vehicle technologies (ferries, heavy and light vehicles, buses, public transport, LEVs, aviation, PAVs, micromobility…)
- Enforcement systems
- Equity
- Freight and fleet innovations and data
- Infrastructure monitoring and maintenance
- Integrated and seamless ticketing, PT user information apps, MaaS, first/last mile solutions
- IoT, sensors, CCTV, radar, digital signage
- Low and zero-emission transport
- Mapping and GIS
- Mobility innovations and data
- Network optimisation
- On-demand transport
- Parking and curb-side optimisation
- Policy for transport technologies
- Public Transport network optimisation
- Regulation and digitised transport user systems
- Safety for people and communities
- Smart intersections and corridor systems
- Smart and Connected Infrastructure
- Standards and procurement
- Sustainable infrastructure, (low carbon materials and application)
- Traffic management
- Trends and modeling
- Vehicle priority systems
Submission Guide
Submitting an Abstract for Presentations
- Please complete the abstract upload on behalf of the intended presenter, so we can engage with them directly in any follow up.
- You can have up to a maximum 2 co-speakers per presentation, presenters must attend the conference in-person (see below).
- The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words and written as no more than two paragraphs. Longer abstracts may be rejected and full papers will not be accepted. Please use .doc, .docx or .PDF format (max. size 2MB)
- To be accepted your abstract should include why it is topical, timely, what transport challenge it addresses and why it is relevant to the conference.
- Please do not include graphs, logos or bullet points. Heavy jargon and abbreviations are discouraged.
- The presentation or poster should not be a sales pitch, submissions judged to be commercially oriented are likely to be rejected.
- Only abstracts submitted via the website will be considered. You will receive a confirmation email after uploading. Contact us if you do not receive a confirmation or have any issues with uploading.
Submitting an Abstract for a Poster
- Please complete the abstract upload on behalf of the primary author, so we can engage with them directly in any follow up.
- Posters can have unlimited authors but only one point of contact (email, phone number, website if relevant).
- If accepted it is expected the poster submitter will attend the conference and be available for the poster session.
- The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words and written as no more than two paragraphs. Longer abstracts may be rejected and full papers will not be accepted.
- To be accepted your abstract should include why it is topical, timely, what transport challenge it addresses and why it is relevant to the conference.
- Please do not include graphs, logos or bullet points in the abstract. Heavy jargon and abbreviations are discouraged.
- The abstract should be primarily informative and address a known transport challenge, i.e. not be a sales pitch, submissions judged to be commercially oriented are likely to be rejected.
- Only abstracts submitted via the website will be considered. You will receive a confirmation email after uploading. Contact us if you do not receive a confirmation or have any issues with uploading.
Presenting/posters and Session information
In Person Presentation
T-Tech is an in-person conference, and it is the intention that all presentations will be given in-person from the lectern. We may consider pre-recorded video presentations in rare circumstances. These decisions will be made by ITSNZ and the T-Tech Committee. Note there is no difference in the speaker registration rate regardless of the type or format of a speaker’s presentation.
Session Format
Most abstract submissions will be scheduled for presentation during sessions dedicated to a conference topic (above), where the allocated time for presentations is 12 minutes each. This does not change if there are two speakers. Time permitting, 5 minutes of questions will follow each presentation.
Posters Information
If your poster has been accepted you or a colleague are required to attend the conference to represent the work and answer questions. Posters will be on display adjacent to the exhibition zone for the duration of the event.
Size specifications will be confirmed at the time of acceptance and will depend on the number of posters accepted.
Submission Review
All submissions are reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel will be asked to score submissions according to the quality of the research or project being presented as well as to the topicality, comprehensiveness, and clarity of the content. You will be notified by email on the outcome of your submission.
If successful, your presentation will be scheduled into the program, or your poster allocated a space. You will be asked to complete your registration no later than June 10th 2023. Failure to complete registration by the specified date could result in losing your presentation slot or poster space. You may choose to change presenter or representative and we will transfer a registration to the new person.
Registration, Discounts and Awards
All speakers and poster submitters are required to be registered and pay a registration fee. A substantial registration discount will be offered. Students may be eligible for a further discount on application.
You are responsible for all costs associated with your attendance, presentation or poster preparation and we ask that you remain at the conference for the full event to network with other attendees.
The T-Tech awards are a popular component of the conference, awards will be given for presentations and posters on the final day, please do stay for this as there will be photography and subsequent publicity about the winners.
All presentations and posters accepted to the conference programme via an abstract submission will be eligible to win awards based on the calibre of their presentation and delivery. A Supreme Award Winner for each will receive a prize as well as a complimentary ticket to T-Tech 2025.
Health & Safety
ITS New Zealand (ITSNZ) is working with its partners to deliver a successful and safe event that reflects the prevailing health & safety conditions. Should it not be practical to progress with an in-person event, the event may migrate to hybrid or online-only and ITSNZ will strive to provide you with an alternate presentation mode to suit the modified event style. The event may also be rescheduled at the discretion of ITSNZ. Refunds are not available if the event is rescheduled or modified, however should ITSNZ cancel the event, speakers and poster submitters will receive a full refund of any registration fees paid.
Contact ITS New Zealand
If you have any questions, please contact ITSNZ
Sponsorship and Exhibition
Sponsors and Exhibitors at T-Tech have the opportunity to showcase products and services to a targeted audience and build valuable industry connections. Sponsorship and exhibition packages allow you to raise brand awareness, showcase technology solutions and expertise.
Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your business and reach your marketing goals.
Request Sponsorship and Exhibition Prospectus
T-Tech is hosted by Intelligent Transport Systems New Zealand (ITSNZ). ITS New Zealand is a not-for-profit organisation supported by annual memberships. Member organisations receive discounts on tickets and exhibition booths and get advance notice of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities. Check if your organisation is a member
We look forward to welcoming you to T-Tech 2024. Join the conversation online #ttech24