I work as a graduate at Waka Kotahi in the Emerging Professionals Programme. My background is a comms and marketing degree at the University of Otago. My first rotation was six months in the Marketing and Education in Road Safety team where I was able to see the campaign process behind our advertisements as well as working with schools to teach children about road safety.
My second rotation is in the Future Transport team within the Multi Modal and Innovation space. I am excited to be learning about all kinds of transport innovative solutions that could come into Aotearoa’s transport market. Within my role I have had the opportunity to build on my comms skills by being the production workstream lead on the upcoming Innovation Fund.
I am passionate about YTP because young people are the future. When infrastructure decisions are made about our transport system it usually will directly impact our younger generations more than anyone else. Young people are the ones whom have to adapt to transport decisions made for the future so having a seat at the table provides diversity to the decision process